—— anndi

《【扒一扒】日本高纯球形硅微粉材料生产商》:  作为一种无机非金属矿物功能性粉体材料,硅微粉广泛应用于电子材料、电工绝缘材料、胶黏剂、特种陶瓷、精密铸造、油漆涂料、油墨、硅橡胶等领域。 目前,世界上只有中国、日本、韩国、美国等少数国家具备硅微粉生产能力... 全文 ?


3M Scotch-WeldTM Epoxy Adhesives DP-100 Series TDS

最近有朋友咨询到镁合金与塑胶的粘接,查了一下,貌似3M公司DP100系列可以胜任,在其官网找到了两份TDS,有一个型号是1998年推出的型号,后面在2009年又推出了升级版的型号! 摘录TDS如下,如有兴趣到文章末尾下载PDF文件查看之:

Product Description          3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Epoxy Adhesive DP100 Plus Clear is a fast setting, two-part,1:1 mix ratio mercaptan-cured epoxy adhesive. It is unique among fast setting mercaptan cure epoxies in that it combines high shear strength with good peel performance properties. Scotch-Weld epoxy adhesive DP100 Plus Clear is transparent and slightly flexible when cured. Available in bulk containers as 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Epoxy Adhesive 100 Plus B/A Clear.

Features • 4 minute worklife • High shear and peel strength
• Slightly flexible • 1:1 mix ratio

Typical Uncured Physical Properties

Note: The following technical information and data should be considered representative or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.

Base Resins Epoxy/Mercaptan
Viscosity1 Approximate                          Base (B)@ 80°F (23°C)                                           Accelerator (A) 4,000 to 11,000 cps7,000 to 13,000 cps
Net Weight                                                 Base (B)(Lbs./Gallon)                                              Accelerator (A)

9.7 to 9.9

9.4 to 9.8

Color                                                            Base (B) Accelerator (A)



Mix Ratio (B:A)                                         By Volume

By Weight



Worklife2                                                                                    2 gram@ 73°F (23°C)                                           20 gram

4 min.

3 min.


  DP100-100NS (86.0 KB, 5 次)

  DP100-PLUS-CLEAR (28.1 KB, 5 次)




最近了解到有些手机组装客户在塑料的粘接中会用到这款得复康DEVCON PUH94167,开始还以为是和14167类似的产品(这个在笔记本外壳组装上用量非常大),但在网上找不到太多的资料。不过就其前缀来看应该和14167不是同类型的产品,果不其然,这款也是属于反应性的热熔胶,应该和我前面提到的乐泰3541和3542,以及3M 2665类似的产品。 去了ITWDEVCON的官网,找不到任何相关资料,后来也是在网上其代理商发布的信息中了解了一些,摘录如下:


产 品 说 明
PUH94167-HV 电子粘接胶




























ECCOBOND 45 Clear/Catalyst 15 Clear TDS


ECCOBOND 45 Clear/Catalyst 15 Clear provides the following
product characteristics:

Technology Epoxy
Technology (Catalyst) Amine
Appearance (Resin) Clear yellow
Appearance (Catalyst) Clear yellow
Mix Ratio – Resin : HardenerRigid Formula 100 : 100
Mix Ratio – Resin : HardenerSemi-Rigid Formula 100 : 200
Mix Ratio – Resin : HardenerFlexible Formula 100 : 300
Product Benefits ●   Unfilled●   Ease of use

●   Non-conductive

●   General purpose

●   Controllable flexibility

●   Bond dissimilar substrates

Cure Heat cure
Application Assembly

ECCOBOND 45 Clear/Catalyst 15 Clear is a clear, unfilled epoxy adhesive which, by varying the amount of catalyst used, can adjust the hardness from flexible to rigid. It has an easy mix ratio and bonds well to a wide variety of substrates. ECCOBOND 45 Clear/Catalyst 15 Clear is the clear, unfilled version of ECCOBOND 45/Catalyst 15.

ECCOBOND 45 Clear/Catalyst 15 Clear can be used with a variety of catalysts.  For more information on mixed properties when used with other available catalysts, please contact your local technical service representative for assistance and recommendations.



Part A Properties 45 Clear
Viscosity, Brookfield , ASTM D2393, mPa•s (cP) 13,500
Density, ASTM D792, g/cm³ 1.17
Flash Point – See MSDS

Part B Properties Catalyst 15
Viscosity, Brookfield , ASTM D2393, mPa•s (cP) 25,000
Density, ASTM D792, g/cm³ 0.97
Flash Point – See MSDS

Mixed Properties
Rigid Formulation:
Viscosity, Brookfield , ASTM D2393, mPa•s (cP) 20,000
Density, ASTM D792, g/cm³ 1.06



  ECCOBOND 45 CLEAR-CAT 15 CLEAR-EN (73.1 KB, 2 次)

  ECCOBOND 45-CAT 15-EN (80.8 KB, 3 次)



Underfill for High-end Application

最近在百度文库发现了这篇由Hitachi Chemical Co.,Ltd Semiconductor Materials Div.发布的《Underfill for High-end Application》,里面对underfil的一些可靠性测试做了一些分析和描述,非常专业。从这份资料里面也知道了华为终端在做underfill高低温冲击的依据,这里面也有提到,和华为的方法一模一样。大家可以下载附件学习查看之:


CUF (solder bump) NUF (solder bump)

Stacked CSP
CUF (solder bump) NUF (solder bump) NCP (Au bump)

Stacked Die

TH Electrode
CUF (High flow) NUF (Voidless)

CUF:Capillary flow underfill NUF:Non flow underfill
Working on Wonders
Flip Chip Trend

Silicon chip trend

Bump count Silicon performance Bump pitch Die gap Large die Low-k Thin die Pb free bump Solder joint


  Underfill for High-end Application (602.7 KB, 33 次)




之前学习过《关于反应性热熔胶—PUR-HM》里面提到过乐泰的3541和3542两款产品,后来学习乐泰公司《Bonding, Sealing and Coating Solutions for Mobile Devices》中也多次提到此款产品。但在乐泰的官网上没法下载到其TDS资料,google和baidu上也没找到完整的资料,后来在电子胶水论坛上发帖求助,有两位热心的网友@haz_2008和@A_camel给我发来了资料。 惊奇地发现这款产品居然1997年就有了,一份TDS是1997年的,一份是2009年的。但仔细看过之后发现不是同一个产品,一个是环氧体系的(1997年),一个是聚氨酯体系的(2009年)。但怎么会取一样的型号呢,呵呵!第一次发现这个问题。 聚氨酯体系才是最近在手机组装中尤其是触控屏手机组装中应用得非常普遍的这款。这份资料应该还只是实验室数据,里面及提供了几个简单的参数。对比了3541和3542的资料,发现除了open time差一分钟外,其它的好像没有任何区别! 技术资料摘录如下,大家可以到后面下载查看之。


LOCTITE 3541 is a reactive hot-melt adhesive based on polyurethane prepolymers.   The adhesive is pressure sensitive and gives a high initial strength instantly after joining the parts. Additionally it has a long open time to be suitable for automatic or manual assembly line.

The adhesive provides the following characteristics:

Colour: Transparent when molten, after cooling light ivory
Odour: Weak
Density: 1.15±0.05g/cm3
Solids: 100%
Voiscosity: 6000-10000mPa.s  @110degC
Equipment: Brookfield Thermosel, Spindle 27
Open time: 2-4 min
ApplicationTemperature: 110 to 140 degC
Temperature resistance: Short-term (up to 1 h) -30 to 100 degC-30 to 120 degC


The bonding surfaces must be clean, dry and free of oil and grease.    Substrate temperature  should not fall below 20degC during application.   Lower temperatures will lead to and early solidification of the adhesive and thus to a reduced open time, possibly the adhesive might even flake off.  If necessary the substrates may be preheated, however longer open times and thus extended  cycle times  will have  to be taken  into consideration at temperatures above 45degC.


LOCTITE  3541 can be applied  from heatable  cartridge  guns, from  usual  syringe  type  melting  equipment.    At  longer  rest periods melting and application temperatures should be decreased.   Longer exposure to higher temperatures  can lead to a viscosity increase.


LOCTITE  3541  cures  exclusively  by  moisture  and  gains  its final strength after 1-5 days, but exhibits high handling strength instantly after joining.

Curing  is  a  chemical  reaction  depending   on  the  following
–       Humidity in the rooms of application and storage
–       Humidity of the substrates
–       Permeability of the substrates to be bonded
–       Application weight/ layer of the adhesive film

  loctite 3541and 3542 TDS (84.4 KB, 29 次)






LOCTITE® 460™      provides       the      following      product characteristics:

Technology Cyanoacrylate
Chemical Type Alkoxyethyl cyanoacrylate
Appearance (uncured) Transparent,    colorless    to     straw colored liquidLMS
Components One part – requires no mixing
Viscosity Medium
Cure Humidity
Application Bonding
Key Substrates Metals, Plastics and Elastomers

LOCTITE® 460™ has low odor and low blooming properties and is particularly suitable for applications where vapor control is difficult. The product provides rapid bonding of a wide range of materials, including metals,  plastics and  elastomers. LOCTITE® 460™  is particularly suited for bonding porous or absorbent materials such as wood, paper, leather and fabric.

Specific Gravity @ 25 °C                                        1.1
Flash Point – See MSDS
Viscosity, Cone & Plate, mPa·s (cP):
Temperature: 25 °C, Shear Rate: 3,000 s-1                 25 to 55LMS
Viscosity, Brookfield – LVF, 25 °C, mPa·s (cP):
Spindle 1, speed 30 rpm                                  30 to 60


  乐泰CA 460 TDS (66.9 KB, 7 次)


  乐泰406 TDS (66.4 KB, 7 次)





今天在看汉高公司关于手机粘接解决方案《Bonding Sealing and Coating Solutions for Mobile Devices》的时候发现了一个专业名词:CIPG,描述如下:
Application: Cushion
Product: CIPG
• Good bonding strength
• Soft and highly flexibility
• Reusable and durable
• Easily processed to high design tolerances
我印象中没有哪类胶粘剂产品或电子产品简称为CIPG,在网上查了一下,找到了一份三键公司的资料《UV-Cured-In-Place Gasket(紫外线固化型现场成形垫圈)》,里面做了详细介绍,原来是FIPG 工艺(Formed-In-Place Gasket)和CIPG 工艺(Cured-In-Place Gasket)。

CIPG 工艺,是指法兰面上涂布液态密封剂后,一般通过加热固化后再进行组装;FIPG 工艺,是指在法兰面上涂布液态密封剂后,在未固化的状态下进行工件组装,之后需要放置一段时间使密封剂完全固化。

附件文章做了详细介绍,有兴趣的朋友可以下载查看之,另外有一份资料是《New Series of Fuel Cell Sealing Compounds – ThreeBond》也提到了类似的工艺,应该是用在燃料电池封装里面的。



  New Series of Fuel Cell Sealing Compounds – ThreeBond (4.9 MB, 32 次)

  UV-Cured-In-Place Gasket (281.1 KB, 36 次)



Henkel Electronic Solutions

年初找到了一份《汉高电子部 电子组装解决方案》《Henkel Electronics Assembly Solutions》,这两天在查找3036的underfill技术资料时,找到了这份《Henkel Electronic Solutions》,好像主要是针对封装方面的用胶和材料,很多型号之前都没怎么接触,里面的underfill之类的材料更侧重于一道underfill,此类材料是:MATERIAL SOLUTIONS FORELECTRONIC PACKAGINGAND ASSEMBLY。 罗列产品目录如下,有需要了解的朋友可以下载附件查看:

Semiconductor Market Solutions
Discrete Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Quad Flat Pack (QFP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Quad Flat No-Lead (QFN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Ball Grid Array/Chip Scale Package (BGA/CSP) . . . . 14
System-in-Package (SiP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Flash Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Semiconductor Materials
Hysol® Die Attach Adhesives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Hysol® Semiconductor Underfills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Hysol® Semiconductor Encapsulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Hysol® Thermal Compression Materials . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Hysol® Coating Powders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Hysol® Electronic Molding Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Hysol® and Hysol® Huawei™ Semiconductor
Molding Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Multicore® Accurus™ Solder Spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Assembly Materials
Multicore® Solder Paste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Multicore® Fluxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Multicore® Cored Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Multicore® Solder Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Chip on Board Encapsulant Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Loctite® Board Level Underfills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Loctite® Thermal Management Materials . . . . . . . . . . 61
Loctite® Electrically Conductive Adhesives . . . . . . . 64
Loctite® Chipbonder™ Surface Mount Adhesives . . . 66
Circuit Board Protection Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Flat Panel Display Materials
Flat Panel Display Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Semiconductor Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Solutions Across the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Periodic Table of Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88



  Henkel Electronic Solutions (2.9 MB, 38 次)


Metal Microchannel Lamination Using Surface Mount Adhesives for Low-Temperature Heat Exchangers

今天在家看了这篇《Metal Microchannel Lamination Using Surface Mount Adhesives for Low-Temperature Heat Exchangers》文章, 这是将表面贴装胶粘剂开发另一种用途的设想,其中使用的胶粘剂产品都是乐泰的牌号,分别是LOCTITE 3509、3615和3621,其中3509官网没有找到技术资料,后面两种都是用于SMT贴片用途的,但是很在国内市场不是特别常见。 感兴趣的朋友可以到博文末尾下载查看之!

Prawin Paulraj* & Brian K. Paul

*Corresponding author address:

7871 SW 173rd Pl.


Phone: 503-550-5690

Fax: 503-627-5538

E-mail: paulraj_prawin@yahoo.com



This paper reports the feasibility of using surface mount adhesives to produce low temperature microchannel arrays in a wide variety of metals. Sheet metal embossing and chemical etching processes have been used to produce sealing bosses that eliminate channel laminae, resulting in approximately 50% material savings over traditional methods. An assembly process using adhesive dispense and cure is outlined to produce leak-free devices. Optimal fill ratios were determined to be between 1.1 and 1.25. Bond strength investigation reveals robustness to surface conditions and a bond strength of 5.5-8.5 MPa using a 3X safety factor.  Dimensional characterization reveals a two sigma (95%) post-bonded channel height tolerance under 10% after bonding.  Patterning tolerance and surface roughness of the laminae faying surfaces were found to have a significant influence on the final post-bonded channel height. Leakage and burst pressure testing on several samples has established confidence that adhesive bonding can produce leak-free joints.  Operating pressures up to 413 kPa have been satisfied equating to tensile pressure on bond joints of 1.9 MPa.  Higher operating pressures can be accommodated by increasing the bond area of devices.


Keywords: Adhesive bonding, microchannel array, microlamination, low temperature heat exchanger.

1.      Introduction

Microchannel process technology (MPT) is the use of microchannel arrays for the bulk processing of mass and energy.  Although MPT devices can be on the order of meters in dimension, MPT devices include critical microchannel dimensions ranging from 100 µm to several mm [1].  One of the major advantages of MPT is the high surface area to volume ratios compared to conventional fluidic technology.  These ratios allow accelerated rates of heat and mass transfer within microchannels due to shorter diffusional distances.  Consequently, microchannels provide the ability to reduce the size and weight of energy and chemical systems [2].  Applications of MPT include portable heat exchange, distributed climate control, solvent separation, fuel processing, and at-home hemodialysis among others [1]; [3].

One growing area for MPT application is low-temperature thermal management, such as the cooling of consumer electronics.  The improved performance and shrinking dimensions of integrated circuits have resulted in the need to dissipate ever-increasing amounts of power. Today, microprocessors require heat dissipation of 50-75W for standard applications, and well in excess of 100W for enthusiast and gamer applications. While the thermal dissipation requirements of microprocessors have steadily increased, the maximum allowable temperature of these devices has remained relatively steady around 65-85°C, limited by many factors including ergonomics and safety.  Due to these limits, several researchers have shown that the theoretical maximum for air cooling of electronic components is in the range of 100 -130 W [4]; [5].

Traditional strategies for increasing heat dissipation have centered on reducing the thermal resistance of the heat sink assembly by increasing the convective surface area through finned surfaces and the use of fans to increase the convective heat transfer coefficient.  However, increases in surface area are usually accompanied by increases in mass and cost. Alternatively, microchannel arrays provide a means of increasing surface area per unit mass, while increasing convective heat transfer coefficients [6].

To further reduce thermal resistance, the ideal microchannel heat sink would be made of a high thermal conductivity material. Copper has the highest thermal conductivity among engineering materials, and has been extensively used for both passive and active heat sinks including microchannel heat exchangers for the cooling of laser diode arrays [7]; [8]. Aluminum alloys offer several advantages over copper alloys as a heat exchanger material. While the thermal conductivity of aluminum is not as good as copper (though comparable), aluminum alloys are light-weight (almost 3x lighter than copper) and are lower in material cost.  Aluminum also forms a very stable and tenacious oxide that is resistant to surface corrosion.  For these reasons, 300X series aluminum alloys are widely used in the traditional heat exchanger industry. Aluminum microchannel heat exchangers have not been reported for application in the electronics industry.  This is largely due to challenges associated with bonding of aluminum microchannel arrays.

Beyond the electronics industry, other low temperature heat exchanger applications require low thermal conductivity materials such as stainless steel. In some heat exchanger applications, such as regenerators within heat engines, low thermal conductivity metals such as stainless steel are actually desirable [9]. For a given microchannel heat exchanger, it has been shown that an optimal thermal conductivity exists that minimizes axial conductive transfer down microchannel fins without significantly penalizing conductive heat transfer across the fin in the thickness direction [10].  Maranzana et al. [10] also showed that in low-temperature (below 100°C) countercurrent microchannel heat exchanger applications, a stainless steel heat exchanger can be as much as 20% more efficient than a copper one.

In the context of low temperature heat exchange, it is desirable to find fabrication methods that can be applied to many materials. Fabrication methods used for microchannel arrays are based on microchannel lamination [1], or microlamination architectures involving the patterning, registration and bonding of thin foils of metal called laminae.  Lamina patterning generally includes either surface machining, through cutting or forming processes.  Once patterned, the laminae are registered relative to each other and bonded together in a stack to make a monolithic device. Typical patterning and bonding steps for microlaminated components are chemical etching and diffusion bonding.  The objective of this paper is to introduce a microlamination architecture capable of meeting the requirements for low temperature heat exchanger applications across a wide variety of materials.


很久没看纯英文的学术文章,看完这篇还真花了不少时间,呵呵! 感兴趣的朋友可以下载看看:

  Metal-Microchannel-Lamination (185.5 KB, 15 次)


乐泰3106 UV胶 TDS

近日有个做音圈的客户使用乐泰3106做中心胶用途,据反映感觉粘接力不太够而且觉得硬度也不够。 给其推荐了两款产品重新尝试,在乐泰官网下载了这份TDS资料,摘录如下,感兴趣的朋友可以去下载PDF版本:

LOCTITE® 3106™ provides the following product
Technology Acrylic
Chemical Type Acrylated urethane
Appearance (uncured) Transparent liquidLMS
Components One component – requires no mixing
Viscosity Medium, thixotropic
Cure Ultraviolet (UV)/ visible light
Cure Benefit Production – high speed curing
Application Bonding
Flexibility Enhances load bearing & shock
absorbing characteristics of the bond
LOCTITE® 3106™ is primarily designed for bonding rigid or
flexible PVC to polycarbonate where large gap filling
capabilities and flexible joints are desired. The product has
shown excellent adhesion to a wide variety of substrates
including glass, many plastics and most metals. The thixotropic
nature of LOCTITE® 3106™ reduces the migration of liquid
product after application to the substrate.
Specific Gravity @ 25 °C 1.08
Refractive Index 1.48
Flash Point – See MSDS
Viscosity, Brookfield – RVT, 25 °C, mPa·s (cP):
Spindle 4, speed 20 rpm 3,500 to 7,500LMS
LOCTITE® 3106™ can be cured by exposure to UV and/or
visible light of sufficient intensity. To obtain full cure on
surfaces exposed to air, radiation @ 220 to 260 nm is also
required. The speed of cure will depend upon the UV intensity
and spectral distribution of the light source, the exposure time
and the light transmittance of the substrates.
Stress Cracking
Liquid adhesive is applied to a polycarbonate bar 6.4 cm by
13 mm by 3 mm which is then flexed to induce a known stress
Stress Cracking, ASTM D 3929, minutes:
7 N/mm² stress on bar >15
12 N/mm² stress on bar 13 to 14

Fixture Time
Fixture time is defined as the time to develop a shear strength
of 0.1 N/mm².
UV Fixture Time, Glass microscope slides, seconds:
Black light, Zeta® 7500 light source:
6 mW/cm², measured @ 365 nm ≤15LMS
UV Fixture Time, Polycarbonate to PVC, seconds:
Metal halide bulb, Zeta® 7400:
30 mW/cm², measured @ 365 nm, <5
Electrodeless, H & V bulbs:
50 mW/cm², measured @ 365 nm, <5
Electrodeless, D bulb:
50 mW/cm², measured @ 365 nm, <5
Depth of Cure vs. Irradiance (365 nm)
The graph below shows the increase in depth of cure with time
at 50mW/cm² – 100mW/cm² as measured from the thickness
of the cured pellet formed in a 15mm diameter PTFE die.
Note: When exposed to a V Bulb at irradiances of 50 and 100
mW/cm² for 30 seconds, a depth of cure greater than 13 mm
was achieved. The performance for medium pressure Hg will
be similar to Electrodeless system, H bulb

Cured @ 30 mW/cm², measured @ 365 nm, for 80 seconds using
a glass filtered metal halide light source
Physical Properties:
Shore Hardness, ISO 868, Durometer D 53
Refractive Index 1.5
Water Absorption, ISO 62, %:
2 hours in boiling water 3.18
Elongation, at break, ISO 527-3, % 250
Tensile Modulus, ISO 527-3 N/mm² 255
(psi) (37,000)
Tensile Strength, at break, ISO 527-3 N/mm² 18.6
(psi) (2,700)
Electrical Properties:
Surface Resistivity, IEC 60093, Ω∙cm 9.2×1014
Volume Resistivity, IEC 60093, Ω·cm 7.7×1014
Dielectric Breakdown Strength, , kV/mm 26
Dielectric Constant / Dissipation Factor, IEC 60250:
100-Hz 5.17 / 0.04
1-kHz 5.01 / 0.02
1-MHz 4.61 / 0.04
Adhesive Properties
Cured @ 30 mW/cm², measured @ 365 nm, for 80 seconds using
a metal halide light source, (samples with 0.5 mm gap).
Lap Shear Strength, ISO 4587:
Polycarbonate N/mm² *5.2
(psi) (750)
* substrate failure

Cured @ 30 mW/cm², measured @ 365 nm, for 80 seconds using
a metal halide light source, (samples with 0.5 mm gap).
Lap Shear Strength, ISO 4587:
0.5 mm gap
Chemical/Solvent Resistance
Aged under conditions indicated and tested @ 22 °C.
% of initial strength
Environment °C 2 h 24 h 170 h
Boiling water 100 * 100 ——– ——–
Water immersion 49 * 100 ——– ——–
Water immersion 87 * 100 ——– ——–
Isopropanol immersion 22 ——– 95 ——–
Heat/humidity 38 ——– ——– * 100
Heat Aging
Lap Shear Strength, ISO 4587, % of initial strength:
Aged @ 71 °C for 170 hours *100
Aged @ 71 °C for 340 hours *100
Aged @ 93 °C for 170 hours *100
Aged @ 93 °C for 340 hours *100
* substrate failure
This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen
and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as
a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials.
For safe handling information on this product, consult the
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
Where aqueous washing systems are used to clean the
surfaces before bonding, it is important to check for
compatibility of the washing solution with the adhesive. In
some cases these aqueous washes can affect the cure and
performance of the adhesive.
This product is not normally recommended for use on plastics
(particularly thermoplastic materials where stress cracking of
the plastic could result). Users are recommended to confirm
compatibility of the product with such substrates.
Directions for use
1. This product is light sensitive; exposure to daylight, UV
light and artificial lighting should be kept to a minimum
during storage and handling.
2. The product should be dispensed from applicators with
black feedlines.
3. For best performance bond surfaces should be clean and
free from grease.
4. Cure rate is dependent on lamp intensity, distance from
light source, depth of cure needed or bondline gap and
light transmittance of the substrate through which the
radiation must pass.
5. Recommended intensity for cure in bondline situation is 5
mW/cm² minimum (measured at the bondline) with an
exposure time of 4-5 times the fixture time at the same

6. For dry curing of exposed surfaces, higher intensity UV is
required (100 mW/cm²).
7. Cooling should be provided for temperature sensitive
substrates such as thermoplastics.
8. Crystalline and semi-crystalline thermoplastics should be
checked for risk of stress cracking when exposed to liquid
9. Excess adhesive can be wiped away with organic solvent.
10. Bonds should be allowed to cool before subjecting to any
service loads.
Loctite Material SpecificationLMS
LMS dated April-22, 2002. Test reports for each batch are
available for the indicated properties. LMS test reports include
selected QC test parameters considered appropriate to
specifications for customer use. Additionally, comprehensive
controls are in place to assure product quality and
consistency. Special customer specification requirements may
be coordinated through Henkel Quality.
Store product in the unopened container in a dry location.
Storage information may be indicated on the product container
Optimal Storage: 8 °C to 21 °C. Storage below 8 °C or
greater than 28 °C can adversely affect product properties.
Material removed from containers may be contaminated during
use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel
Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which
has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than
those previously indicated. If additional information is required,
please contact your local Technical Service Center or
Customer Service Representative.
(°C x 1.8) + 32 = °F
kV/mm x 25.4 = V/mil
mm / 25.4 = inches
μm / 25.4 = mil
N x 0.225 = lb
N/mm x 5.71 = lb/in
N/mm² x 145 = psi
MPa x 145 = psi
N·m x 8.851 = lb·in
N·m x 0.738 = lb·ft
N·mm x 0.142 = oz·in
mPa·s = cP



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    • Name:QiuBo QQ:1808976
      Mobile Phone:13923499497



