最近有位朋友和我咨询一个型号为UA-2605-B的底填胶水品,略查了一下没有找到什么头绪,今天得知是zymet公司的产品,有了这些线索,就挖出了更多的资料了。其实这款产品并非底填胶用途的,有一个新的写法是:Edgebond Adhesive,从字面理解感觉和cornerbond应用比较类似,在网上查了一些资料,大家学习一下:
“晶片边胶粘结剂 (Edgebond) 通常使用於只需将BGA/CSP晶片边缘固定即可达到接著的目的,它不像底部填充剂(Underfill)必须完全渗透到覆晶晶片底部才可达到完全固定的作用。点胶时PCB不需要事先预热也没有像底部填充剂需等待胶材完全填充底部才可放入烤箱的问题,这缩短了工时且点胶的量少可重工所以成本也较低。”
“Reworkable edgebond adhesive improves CBGA and BGA thermal cycle performance:
April 7, 2011 — Zymet Inc. introduced a reworkable edgebond adhesive, UA-2605, that improves thermal cycle performance of CBGAs and plastic BGAs.
In one trial, UA-2605 tripled the 0°C to +100°C performance of a CBGA, to nearly 2500 cycles. Previously, underfill was needed to achieve this level of performance, Zymet says.
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Figure 1. Edgebonded CBGA. |
The edgebond adhesive is easier to process than an underfill. When applying underfill, the printed circuit board (PCB) is preheated to facilitate capillary flow, and multiple dispense passes are used to deposit sufficient material. With UA-2605, only four beads of the adhesive are required, one at each corner. There is no need to preheat the PCB, wait for underfill flow, and make multiple dispensing passes.
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Figure 2. After removal of underfilled BGA, underfill residues must be removed. |
Reworking an underfilled BGA is a time consuming and delicate task. Underfill residues must be removed and, for fine-pitch BGAs, the risk of pad damage is high. With UA-2605, BGA rework is simple and straightforward. The temperature is raised and the adhesive is scraped away; then, the BGA is reflowed and lifted from the board. Little site cleaning is necessary.
Zymet is a manufacturer of microelectronic and electronic adhesives and encapsulants. Its products include die attach adhesives, substrate adhesives, UV curable glob top and cavity-fill encapsulants, and underfill encapsulants.
For more information, visit www.zymet.com.”
在网上还找到了zymet公司的产品发布稿《Reworkable Edgebond Adhesive Improves CBGA and BGAThermal Cycle Performance and Eliminates Underfill》,有兴趣的朋友可以下载查看之:
Reworkable Edgebond Adhesive Improves CBGA and BGAThermal Cycle Performance and Eliminates Underfill (207.0 KB, 13 次)